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The beginning of the end.

In the olde days of yore, the enforcement of justice was a local matter.

If you were a violent thug who beat up women badly enough to leave a mark, then for most of the time that humans have been civilized the family or tribe would expel you under threat of death if you returned. Sometimes if they caught a thug in the act of beating a woman senseless, they’d just kill him immediately.

Modern democracies have had, since the late 19th century, police forces that have replaced the local sheriff of town constable with a centralized, bureaucratic organization. This has led to great improvements in the standardization of punishments and justice. It has by and large improved the professionalism of the police (with exceptions such as Ferguson, Missouri).

The flip side of this is that the criminals are sometimes better protected by the system than the victims. If there were no police force, and a thug beat up your daughter, the old school method of dealing with him would be to form a posse of your friends and family and kill the thug.

This exerted a strong evolutionary pressure that deselected thug DNA in favor of the DNA of husbands and fathers.

The regular guys were outbreeding the thugs.

Now, if you take justice into your own hands the law comes down on you even harder than an average criminal, because you are messing with the rice bowl of the cops and lawyers and judges.

If the laws were suspended for a week, and the regular guys declared it to be open hunting season on thugs with no bag limit, there would be damn few thugs left.

That would put the defense attorneys and prison guards and judges in a bind because their clientele would be mostly dead. Empty prisons are a bad thing if you are a warden.

This is a facet of anarcho-tyranny, where the laws are hyper-enforced upon politically disfavored groups and not enforced at all upon the well-connected (Jon Corzine, for example).

It’s a bit of a paradox, but the gist is that the police are actually protecting the thugs from the rest of society. Without a police force keeping the regular guys from harming them, those thugs would be toast.